Europe Launch of the Global Partnership on Migration and Development (KNOMAD)
When : Sep 11, 2013 Venue : ILO EurestLocation : Geneva Applicable Countries: Switzerland

Event description:

The World Bank Group is proud to join government counterparts, development partners, civil society organizations, representatives of the private sector, and other members of the Global Forum on Migration and Development, in the launch of the Global Knowledge Partnership on Migration and Development (KNOMAD). The partnership aims to create and synthesize knowledge, generate a menu of policy options, and provide technical assistance and capacity building to sending and receiving countries. The World Bank Group continues to deepen its engagement on this rich agenda because of the close links between migration and development. Worldwide, there are more than 215 million migrants living outside their countries of birth. Many of these migrants are from developing countries, and sent about US$400 billion in officially recorded remittances to developing countries in 2012. These flows represent a lifeline to the poor and are a powerful driver of development progress. Mounting evidence shows migration and remittances are contributing meaningfully to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Numerous studies highlight that households receiving remittances are better able to avoid malnutrition, mitigate the adverse impacts of crop failure, access health care, and enroll their children in school.



Mahmoud Mohieldin
Mahmoud Mohieldin
Dilip Ratha
Dilip Ratha